Anteroposterior curve (curve of spee)

The anatomic curve established by the occlusal alignment of the teeth, as projected onto the median plane, beginning with the cusp tip of the mandibular canine and following the buccal cusp tips of the premolar and molar teeth, continuing through the anterior border of the mandibular ramus, ending with the anterior-most portion of the mandibular condyle (GPT8)


Antifluxes are materials that prevent or confine solder attachment or flow (GPT8).

Arbitrary facebow

A device used to relate the maxillary cast to the condylar elements of an articulator using average anatomic landmarks to estimate the position of the transverse horizontal axis on the face (GPT8).

Arcon Articulator

An articulator that applies the arcon design; this instrument maintains anatomic guidelines by the use of condylar analogues in the mandibular element and fossae assemblies within the maxillary element (GPT8).

Articular capsule

The fibrous ligament that encloses a joint and limits its motion. It is lined with the synovial membrane (GPT8).

Articular disc

A ring of fibrocartilage that separates the articular surfaces of a joint (GPT8).


The static and dynamic contact relationship between the occlusal surfaces of the teeth during function (GPT8).


A mechanical device which represents the temporomandibular joints and the jaw members to which maxillary and mandibular casts may be attached to simulate jaw movements (GPT8).

Atmospheric pressure

This can help resist dislodging forces if the dentures have an effective border seal. Peripheral seal or border seal is defined as the contact of the denture border with the underlying or adjacent tissues to prevent the passage of air or other substances (GPT8).

Attachment-retained dentures

Attachment is a mechanical device for the fixation, retention, and stabilization of a prosthesis (GPT8).


It is a line around which a body may rotate or about which a structure would turn if it could revolve (GPT8).

Balanced occlusion

The bilateral, simultaneous, anterior and posterior occlusal contact of teeth in centric and eccentric positions (GPT8)

Bar clasp

A clasp retainer whose body extends from a major connector or denture base, passing adjacent to the soft tissues and approaching the tooth from a gingivo-occlusal direction (GPT8).

Bench curing

a stage of resin processing that allows a chemical reaction to occur under the conditions present in the ambient environment (GPT8).

Bennett angle

The angle formed between the sagittal plane and the average path of the advancing condyle as viewed in the horizontal plane during lateral mandibular movements (GPT8).

Blade dental implants

A faciolingual narrowed, wedge-shaped dental implant body with openings or vents through which tissue may grow (GPT8).

Border moulding

Determining the extension of a prosthesis by using tissue function or manual manipulation of the tissues to shape the border areas of an impression material (GPT8).

Border movements

Mandibular movement at the limits dictated by anatomic structures, as viewed in a given plane (GPT8).


An oral habit consisting of involuntary rhythmic or spasmodic nonfunctional gnashing, grinding, or clenching of teeth, in other than chewing movements of the mandible, which may lead to occlusal trauma – called also tooth grinding, occlusal neurosis (GPT8).

Burnout or wax elimination

The removal of wax from a mold, usually by heat (GPT8).

Camper’s line (ala-tragus line)

The line running from the inferior border of the ala of the nose to some defined point on the tragus of the ear, usually considered to be the tip of the tragus (GPT8).

Canine-Guided/Protected occlusion

A form of mutually protected articulation in which the vertical and horizontal overlap of the canine teeth disengage the posterior teeth in the excursive movements of the mandible (GPT8)

Cantilever fixed partial dentures

A fixed dental prosthesis in which the pontic is cantilevered i.e. is retained and supported only on one end by one or more abutments (GPT8).

Cast post and core

A one-piece foundation restoration for an endodontically treated tooth that comprises a post within the root canal and a core replacing missing coronal structure to form the tooth preparation (GPT8).


An object formed by the solidification of a fluid that has been poured or injected into a mould (GPT8).

Cast post and core

A one-piece foundation restoration for an endodontically treated tooth that comprises a post within the root canal and a core replacing missing coronal structure to form the tooth preparation (GPT8).