Frequently Asked Questions :Pediatric Dentistry (Gujarat University)

These are the frequently asked questions in pediatric dentistry which are sorted according to value of questions and chapters
its is general trend to sort out what is frequently being asked in exams from last 10 years of exam papers. well, to relive you guys from that hustle. I,created this list of questions from last 8 years of paper (2012-2019) which are listed according to number of sections.
All these questions are have to be prepared before exam as priority and after that complete other syllabus but dont waste your time in non important topics, memorizing them.
make your own list of topics with prioritizing high to low on blank paper for each section and start reading those topics in organised manner. make sure you know all the topics but don’t waste energy in memorizing low priority topics. rather than that make a answer type note of each high priority topic that you can write in your exam with some modifications.
make an habit of writing your answers in specific order so that you wont get confuse in middle of exam even if you know the answer that what to write? what to write? right!! it happens don’t worry but try specific order so that you wont miss in between details.
there is link to this FAQ in pdf so if you want to read it offline or to make a hard copy (which i recommend a lot) than you can find that at the end of this list.
Section 1: Child as a Patient
[7 markers]
- Define case history. Discuss the points which are important for a child patient and how it differs from that of an adult patient.
[5 markers]
- Bitewing radiography
- Definition and scope of pedodontics
- Pedodontic treatment triangle
Section 2: Normal Growing Child
[7 markers]
[5 markers]
- Growth spurts
- Functional matrix theory
- ‘V’ principle
- Gumpads
Section 3: Developing Dentition and Its Disturbances
[7 markers]
- Discuss in detail about development of occlusion
– Add a note on self-correcting anomalies.
– Describe features of mixed dentition.
- What are the period of occlusal development? Describe the primary dentition phase in detail.
- What are gumpads. Describe in detail the same and mention the self-correcting anomalies of all dentition.
[5 markers]
- Self- correcting anomalies
- Ugly duckling stage
- Leeway space
- Protective stabilization
- Molar incisor hypomineralization
- Clinical significance of primate spaces
- Molar relationship of primary dentition
- Spacing in deciduous dentition
- Importance of first permanent molar
- Broadbent’s phenomenon
- Natal and neonatal teeth
- Enamel hypoplasia
Section 4: Psychological Development and Behavior Management
[7 markers]
- Define conscious sedation. Write in detail about conscious sedation.
- Discuss in detail about pharmacological behaviour management.
- Define and classify child psychology.
– Write in detail about cognitive theory by Jean Piaget
– Enumerate the stages of Eric Erickson’s theory and explain in brief about the theory.
– explain in brief the psychoanalytical theory.
- Define behaviour management
-Describe in detail TSD and modelling.
-Discuss in detail about non-pharmacological behaviour management of a six year old child.
-Classify child’s behaviour according to wright’s classification. Describe in detail about contingency management.
– Discuss in detail about desensitisation
-. Discuss in detail HOME.
- What is behaviour guidance? Describe in detail TSD and positive reinforcement.
- Define term conscious sedation. Enumerate the different routes of administration. Describe the “Inhalation route” in detail with its indications and contraindications.
- Classify theories of child psychology &
- What do you understand by child behaviour? Classify child behaviour according to wright’s classification. Describe the behaviour management techniques for un co-operative child.
[5 markers]
- Types of fear
- Conscious sedation
- Frankl’s behaviour rating scale
- Fear
- Describe social learning theory of child psychology
- Nitrous oxide & oxygen
- Influence of maternal attitude towards child behaviour
- Nitrous oxide sedation
Section 5: Dental Caries in Early Childhood
[7 markers]
- Discuss nursing bottle caries. Describe its management.
- Define early childhood caries.
– Define etiology and management of severe ECC.
-write in detail with types of ECC with management of the same.
-Discuss in detail nursing bottle caries vs rampant caries.
-Discuss in detail management of ECC.
- Discuss the recent concepts in etiology of dental caries. Discuss in detail about the prevention of dental caries.
[5 markers]
- Early childhood caries
- Definition and classify caries activity tests
- Micro-organisms associated with caries process.
Section 6: Preventive Approach to Caries Control
[7 markers]
- Classification fluorides and discuss their mechanism of action. Write in detail about sodium fluoride.
- Discuss mechanism of action of systemic fluoride in oral health.
- Classify, discuss the rationale, uses and methods of application of pit and fissure sealants.
- Define diet. Discuss the role of diet in prevention of oral and dental health problems at different stages of life in children.
- Nutritional consideration for paediatric dental patient
- Describe various agents and techniques of topical fluoride application.
[5 markers]
- APF gel
- Caries vaccine
- Topical fluorides
- Pit and fissure sealants
- Sugar substitutes
- Dental home
- Fluoride Varnishes
- Chemico mechanical caries removal
- Anticipating guidance
- Diet counselling for high caries risk patient
- Describe age related brushing technique from birth to adolescence
Section 7: Pediatric Restorative Dentistry
[7 markers]
1.Classify stainless steel crowns.
-Write its indications, clinical procedure and modifications for placement of stainless steel crowns.
– Describe preparation and delivery of stainless steel crown.
-.Indications & contraindications for stainless steel crowns. Describe steps in the selection, preparation and cementation of a stainless steel crown for mandibular first deciduous molar.
- What are tooth colored restorative materials. Classification them and compare their physical properties.
- Discuss the treatment modalities for restoration of decayed primary anterior teeth.
- Describe various isolation techniques in pediatric dentistry
-Write in detail about rubber dam.
- Discuss in detail morphological and histological difference Between primary and permanent teeth, emphasizing their clinical significance.
[5 markers]
- Morphology of mandibular first primary molar
- Willet inlay preparation
- Cavity liners
- Pediatric zirconia crowns
- Tunnel cavity and slot preparation
- Stainless steel crowns
- Anterior crowns in pediatric dentistry
- GIC cement
- Stainless steel crown
- Atraumatic Restorative Treatment
- Tunnel preparation
- Differences between primary and permanent teeth
- Preventive resin restoration
- Modifications of class II cavity preparation in primary teeth
- Stainless steel crowns in paediatric dentistry
Section 8: Pediatric Endodontics
[7 markers]
- Define and classify pulpotomy.
– Write in detail about formocresol pulpotomy
– Describe the difference Between formocresol and glutaraldehyde pulpotomy and write in detail the steps in formocresol pulpotomy.
- Discuss pediatric endodontics. Describe pulpotomy technique.
- Elaborate on methods for the management of non-vital deciduous teeth.
- Obturating materials in primary teeth.
[5 markers]
- Pulpotomy
- Apexfication
- Apexogenesis
- Root canal obturating materials for deciduous teeth
- Apexogenesis vs apexification
- Formocresol pulpotomy
- Resorbable materials
Section 9: Developing Malocclusion and Its Management
[7 markers]
1.Define and classify space maintainer.
-Write in detail about indication, contraindication, fabrication and modification of distal shoe space maintainer.
– Enumerate the various factors to be considered while planning a space maintainer. Describe in detail about band and loop type of space maintainer
-Discuss the factors to be considered prior to designing a space maintainer
- Define and classify oral habits.
– Write in detail for managing of thumb sucking habit.
-. Discuss in detail about tongue thrusting habit.
– Discuss the management of the digit sucking habit.
-etiology, clinical features and management of mouth breathing habit.
-Enumerate etiology and clinical features of thumb sucking habit. Describe various treatment modalities in detail.
[5 markers]
- Specific effects of premature tooth loss
- Cross bite
- Bruxism
- Serial extraction
- Oral screen
- Distal shoe
- Psychology of thumb sucking habit
- Systemic causes for delayed eruption
- Tanaka- Johnston Analysis
- Correction of anterior teeth crossbite
Section 10: Pediatric Considerations for Oral Surgery
[7 markers]
- Classify traumatic injuries to anterior teeth.
-Write in detail the management of a child aged 7 years with Elli’s class V fracture in maxillary central incisor.
– Discuss management of an avulsed maxillary central incisor in an 8 year old boy who reports to the dental operatory with the tooth stored in cold milk.
- Classify trauma. Discuss the treatment for Elli’s class III fracture of right maxillary central incisor.
-fracture of immature anterior permanent tooth.
[5 markers]
- Antibiotic prophylaxis against bacterial endocarditis.
- Battered child syndrome
- Eruption cyst and eruption haematoma
- Root fractures
Section 11: Dental Care for Special Child
[7 markers]
- Define and classify handicapped condition.
– Describe in detail the clinical features and dental management of a child suffering from leukemia.
-Describe in detail dental management of a child with Haemophilia.
-Discuss the management of a 5 years old child with congenital heart disease who requires extraction of primary mandibular second molar.
[5 markers]
- Cleft lip and palate
- Pappilon Leverfe Syndrome
- Down syndrome
- Development of palate
- Cerebral palsy
- Management of haemophilic patient
- Dental management of patient with cerebral palsy
Section 13: Soft Tissue Oral Lesions In Children
[7 markers]
- Discuss in detail about normal gingiva of child & write in brief about various gingival disease in children.
- Discuss various gingival and periodontal disease in children
[5 markers]
- Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
- Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
Section 15: Forensic Pedodontics
[7 markers]
- Forensic pedodontics- its scope and implication.
[5 markers]
- Child abuse
Questions To Read from Other Subjects..
- School dental health programme (5) ( PCD)
- Iatrogenic causes of pulp exposure in primary teeth (5) (Endo)
- Anaphylactic shock (5) (OS)
- Define school dental health program. Write its objectives, advantage and components of school dental health program. Write about “Tattle tooth program” in detail. (7) (PCD)