MDS in Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery

Are you Looking for being MDS in Oral and maxillofacial surgery? or are you confused with the branch for doing your post-graduation? Then Don’t worry this article is for you !!!
In Oral surgery, you are doing surgeries of a patient just like a general surgeon but of a specific region of head and neck and to be more precise our jaws (maxilla and mandible) and facial region.
As an oral surgeon, you are doing extraction for most of the time.
But, A general BDS can also do that right?
you are doing the extraction which is difficult for a BDS doctor or he/she has messed up a case and made it much more difficult. Not to mention the endless number of surgeries that Oral surgeons can perform.
Oral surgeon specializes in these treatments

- Difficult extraction cases
- Disimpaction cases
- Treatment of jaw fracture
- Removal of cyst or tumor from the oral cavity
- Removal of pathology salivary gland or stones from it
- Orthognathic surgery like
- forward and backward placement of maxilla
- Forward and backward placement of mandible
- Position correction of chin
- Pre-prosthetic surgeries like
- bone augmentation
- Removal of bony spicules (osteoplasty)
- Removal of Bony mass and smoothening it
- Increasing the width of bone
- Tmj surgery
- Implants
- Cleft lip and palate surgeries
- Maxillofacial plastic surgeries
- Rhinoplasty
- Treatment of Space infections and cellulitis of Orofacial region
Age group
With this variety of treatments, you are treating almost all the age groups starting from A child with cleft lip and palate to intentional extraction of teenagers for orthodontic treatment to Disimpaction in adult to the Pre-prosthetic surgery of an elderly person.

MDS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Consultation in this branch is more, as this is the only branch doing major hard and soft tissue surgeries except for periodontics, which also involves in soft tissue and minor hard tissue surgeries. Major consultation is for Disimpaction cases in day to day practice. Also BDS doctors who have just started the clinic consult more because either they don’t want to take risks or they have messed up the case. If you have expertise in particular surgery, Then that Exclusive consultation as MDS Oral and maxillofacial surgeon will fetch maximum Money and Fame.
Value and income
In hospitals if a patient with a fracture of a facial region or a patient with cancer in the oral cavity came up, So as a part of multidisciplinary approach oral surgeon has always been there as a part of a team because of the better understanding of occlusion and speech discrepancies post-treatment and there are more concerned with treatment for a patient to have a normal occlusion or close to normal occlusion as if half of the Jaw has to be removed then there will be nothing to occlude but, As a part of multiple disciplinary approach prosthodontist came up with a prosthetic part at that time.
If we talk about income, they are highly paid because they are doing an average 8-9 extraction per day ranging from 800 to 3000 per extraction and some major surgeries may cost from 10k- 20k to 70k- 80k Rupees.

Clinical scenario
Though MDS oral surgeon is highly skilled but they rarely perform major surgeries in clinics.
Why is the clinical scenario for oral surgeon is a bit different ???
Because Patients with fractures or cancer are not going to come to your clinic as they went to the hospital for treatment and hospitals have better facilities and staff than a clinic can have.
So if you are opening a clinic as MDS oral surgeon then the majority of the case you are going to treat is extraction, Disimpaction, and implant cases.
If You opt for hospitals, they already have experienced oral surgeons and so their requirement becomes less unless and until they have a recent vacancy but with that also they prefer experienced MDS rather than letting fresher in. The numbers of oral surgeons are increases but not enough job opportunities in the hospital.
Dental hospitals can also let you in as per their requirement but you need to build your experience to perform surgery is there. Also medical family background and references play a pivotal role in getting into the hospital.
So MDS in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery branch has no scope! Right?
Wrong, there is a lot of scope in this branch but for that either you have to be very skillful or you can choose fellowship programs and courses to expertise in specific treatment for the even hospitals to call you for consultation. I have seen many doctors doing orthognathic surgeries and much more in hospitals as a consultant.

what courses/fellowship programs you can opt for after MDS in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery!
These are few fellowship programs that we’ve come across while searching for fellowship programs for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in India
- Cleft fellowship: Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital/BIDS, Bangalore
- Mentors: Dr. Krishnamurthy Bonanthaya and Dr. Pritham Shetty.
- Cleft fellowship: GSR Cleft institute Hyderabad
- Mentor: Dr. Gosla Reddy
- Cleft fellowship: SRM Chennai cleft fellowship
- Mentors: Dr. Sunil Richardson and Dr. Mohamed Elsayed Hassan
- Maxillofacial Surgery fellowship – Bhagwan Mahavir Jain
- Mentor: Dr. Sanjiv Nair, Dr. Anjan Shah, and Dr. B Kumar
- Cancer – Mazumdar Shaw Hospital BANGALORE :
- Mentor: Dr. Vijay Pillai
- Craniomaxillofacial – Mazumdar Shaw Hospital BANGALORE:
- Mentor: Dr. Paul Salins
- Craniofacial: Amrita Institute, Kochi
- Mentor: Dr. Pramod Subhash
- Cleft Craniofacial: Kanachur Institute of Cleft Craniofacial, Mangalore
- Mentor: Dr. Mustafa K
- Cleft and Maxillofacial Surgery – BSES Mumbai
- Mentor: Dr. Parit Ladani
- Head and neck cancer fellowship: List of Institutes for FHNO Institutional Fellowship
- Head and Neck Cancer Fellowship: KCTRI Hubli
- Mentor: Dr. B R Patil and Dr. Shilpa Chatni
- Maxillofacial Trauma fellowship: Hosmat BANGALORE
- Mentor: Dr. Anuradha Navaneetham
Fellowship options abroad:
- AOCMF AO CMF Fellowships
- Facial Aesthetics: Dr. Nabil Fakhri
- IAOMS visiting scholar (Short term)
- IAOMS Cleft and Craniofacial, Head and Neck Oncology fellowship
- Pediatric Maxillofacial surgery- Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne
- Craniofacial Surgery – John Radcliffe, Oxford UK
One can also search for a mentor and request him/her to work with. Most of the top Surgeons are kind enough to encourage young talent
Becoming an oral surgeon lets you perform major surgeries that no other BDS or MDS from other fields can do And it’s highly reputable among society as you are treating life-threatening conditions also.
In contrast, job opportunity is less but if you are passionate about it,f you feel satisfied with the blood on your gloves, if you have guts to perform and handle the stress of major surgeries!
Then you should consider doing MDS in oral surgery, but keep in mind it is an ocean and you have to dive deeper into it to find the treasure.
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