Not To Miss Before FINAL BDS EXAM: Conservative Dentistry

These Are The Frequently Asked Questions In Conservative Dentistry Which Are Sorted According To Value Of Questions And Topics
Its Is General Trend To Sort Out What Is Frequently Being Asked In Exams From the Last 10 Years Of Exam Papers. Well, To Relive You Guys From That Hustle. I, Created This List Of Questions From the Last 8 Years Of Paper (2012-2019) Which Are Listed According To Topics
All These Questions Are Have To Be Prepared Before Exam As Priority And After That Complete Other Syllabus But Don’t Waste Your Time In Non Important Topics, Memorizing Them.
Make Your Own List Of Topics With Prioritizing High To Low On Blank Paper For Each Section And Start Reading Those Topics In Organised Manner. Make Sure You Know All The Topics But Don’t Waste Energy In Memorizing Low Priority Topics. Rather Than That Make A Answer Type Note Of Each High Priority Topic That You Can Write In Your Exam With Some Modifications.
Make An Habit Of Writing Your Answers In Specific Order So That You Wont Get Confuse In Middle Of Exam Even If You Know The Answer That What To Write? What To Write? Right!! It Happens Don’t Worry But Try Specific Order So That You Wont Miss In Between Details.
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Clinical Operative Dentistry/ Conservative Dentistry
7 makers
- Classify the silver alloys. Discuss in detail causes of failures of dental amalgam.
- Classify amalgam and write in detail about generations of amalgam. Write in detail about setting reactions and advantages of non-gamma 2 alloys.
- Define amalgam. Write the composition, classification of silver alloys and causes of failure of silver amalgam restoration.
- Classify dental amalgam. Write about its composition and compare delayed vs mercuroscopic expansion.
5 markers
- Tarnish and corrosion
- Delayed expansion
- Setting reaction of low copper and high copper amalgam
- Types & advantages of high copper amalgam
- Amalgapins
Dental caries
7 makers
- Discuss histopathology of dental caries.
- Define dental caries. Discuss histopathology of caries and its clinical implications.
- Classify dental caries. Explain in detail progress of caries in enamel and dentin with the help of diagrams.
5 markers
- Rampant caries
- Root caries
- Caries detecting dyes
7 makers
- Casting shrinkage
- What is inlay? How will you prepare inlay with indirect method?
- Write different indications, contraindications, advantages and disadvantages of cast restorations. Add a note on casting defects.
- Enlist casting defects in a cast inlay. Enumerate the measures to be taken to avoid casting defects.
5 markers
- Inlay taper
- Types of bevel and their importance
Isolation and tooth sepration
7 makers
- Define Isolation. Discuss various methods of isolation in operative dentistry.
- Mention goals of isolation. Explain rubber dam in detail.
- What is isolation? Enlist different methods of isolation and write about rubber dam in detail.
5 markers
- Sectional matrices
- Wedging techniques
- Separation of teeth
- Matrices
- Matrices and wedges- types and their functions
- Retainers
Pin retained restoration
7 makers
- Define pin retained Restorations. Discuss different types of pins.
- Describe pins used in operative dentistry.
5 markers
Fundamentals of cavity preparation
7 makers
- Discuss in detail about classification II mesio occlusal inlay cavity preparation for lower right first molar. Add a note on cast metal Restorations giving their indications, advantages and disadvantages.
- Discuss the methods to control pain during cavity preparation. Add a note on advance methods of cavity preparation.
- Define cavity preparation. Enumerate the steps of cavity preparation and discuss in detail various modifications of cavity design for class II amalgam restoration.
- Enumerate the steps of cavity preparation. Discuss the importance of resistance and retention form in a class II amalgam restoration.
- Write about the differences in cavity preparation designs of class II for silver amalgam and gold inlay.
- Draw a well labelled cross section view of “bur blade Design”. Describe in detail the “parts of a rotary cutting instrument” and “diamond abrasive instruments”.
- What are the differences between class II silver amalgam and class II cast metal Restorations?
5 markers
- Differences between class II cavity of amalgam Restoration and cast gold restoration
- Tunnel preparation
- Bur blade Design
- Speeds in operative dentistry
- Modifications for class II cavity preparation for silver amalgam
- Primary & secondary retentive features
7 makers
- What are dentin bonding agents? Discuss different generations of dentin bonding agents.
- Classify resin used for restorative dentistry. Importance of shade selection in composites. Add a note on components of shade.
- Define smear layer. Write in detail about the role of smear layer in dentine bonding.
- Define composites. Classify composite resins and add a note on its recent advances.
- Describe in detail biologic consideration of acid etching and evaluation of Bonding agents for conservative dentistry.
- Define composites and enumerate various classification. Note on posterior composites.
- Classify and writing composition of composite. Describe the procedure of restoration of an angle fracture of central incisor.
- Classify restorative materials. Write composition and advantages of resins.
- Give composition and classification of composite resins. Discuss methods to compensate polymerisation shrinkage.
5 markers
- Polymerisation shrinkage of composites
- Polymerisation of composites
- Dentin bonding agents
- Posterior tooth composite restoration
- Marginal leakage
- Resin cements
Pit and fissure sealant an ART
5 Markers
- Pit and fissure sealants
- Explain the concept of minimal invasive dentistry
7 makers
- Define bleaching. Enumerate the material used and various techniques of bleaching. Describe in detail night guard Bleaching technique
5 markers
- Walking bleach. Discuss.
- Vital tooth bleaching
7 makers
- Classify the direct filling gold and discuss the different techniques of direct filling gold.
5 markers
- Types of direct filling gold
7 makers
- Describe the merits and demerits of GIC and its application in dentistry.
- Discuss in detail & justify materials used for restoration of Class V cavities.
- Classify glass ionomer cements. Write about its manipulation, setting reaction, advantages and disadvantages.
5 markers
- Restorative GICs
- Composition & setting reaction of GICs
Non Carious lesion
7 makers
- Describe the cervical lesions associated with teeth. Describe in detail the management of deep cervical lesions.
- Mention the various non carious lesions and their management.
- Write about non-carious lesions & its management.
5 markers
Esthetic dentistry
5 markers
- Discuss contacts & contours.
- Veneers
- Indirect veneers
- Importance of shade selection in esthetic dentistry
5 markers
- Ormocer
- Diagnostic value of saliva
- Define hypersensitivity. Explain different theories explaining it.
- Secondary dentin
- Finishing and polishing procedures for posterior restorations.
- Noy’s criteria
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