Endodontics: Not To Miss Before Final BDS Exam

Endodontics questions that can be asked in the final year BDS exam are listed here according to the value of question and topics of endodontics. also to make your preparation easier and to make sure that you don’t waste your time mugging up low priority topics.
7 markers
- Internal anatomy of mandibular 1st molar.
- Write about the importance of the internal anatomy of the tooth in detail.
- Explain the principles and objectives of access cavity preparation. Mention the steps of access cavity for maxillary central incisor. Draw diagrams depicting errors in cavity preparation.
5 markers
- Major and minor apical diameter
- Anatomy of root apex
- Anatomy of the apical third in maxillary incisor
- Describe the internal anatomy of the maxillary first premolar
7 Marker
- Write about the working length of the root canal. Discuss in detail the crown down procedure of root canal preparation.
- Discuss various methods of working length determination. Which according to you is the most accurate method?
- Discuss in detail different methods of working length determination.
5 markers
7 markers
- What is step back technique? Describe methods of root canal length measurement.
- Discuss the various techniques for cleaning and shaping. Add a note on errors that occur during cleaning and shaping.
- Write about the standardization of root canal instruments. Write the indications, advantages and procedure of step back technique of root canal preparation.
- What are the different methods of root canal preparation? Describe in detail crown down technique for preparation of curved canal.
- Discuss the importance of biomechanical preparation. Discuss the various rotary instruments used in biomechanical preparation.
- Various techniques of biomechanical preparation.
5 markers
- ISO standardization of endodontic instruments
- Working length determination
- Protaper
- Single-visit endodontics- merits and demerits
7 markers
- Classify different obturation technique. Describe about vertical compaction technique.
- Discuss the causes and management of blunderbuss canals in maxillary anterior. Add a note on the obturation technique used for the same.
- Enumerate various obturation techniques. Write briefly on thermoplasticized gutta-percha techniques.
- Write the various obturation methods and write in detail the lateral condensation technique.
- What are the ideal properties of obturating material & discuss thermoplasticized obturation technique?
5 markers
- Lateral condensation
- Thermoplasticized gutta-percha
- Vertical condensation
7 markers
- Newer irritants
- Classify intra canal medicaments. Write in detail the mechanism of action, indication, advantages and disadvantages of calcium hydroxide.
- Classify endodontic irrigants. Explain the properties of sodium hypochlorite and EDTA. Draw a flow chart of irrigant agitation techniques and devices.
- What are the various materials and methods for irrigation of root canals?
- What is the function of a root canal sealer? Write their ideal requirement & types of root canal sealers.
5 markers
- Root canal irritants
- Medicaments used in endodontic treatment
- Intracanal irrigants
- Root canal sealer
7 markers
- Mention the various clinical diagnostic aids in endodontics. Write uses of radiographs in endodontics.
- Classify endodontic instruments and methods of sterilization of endodontic instruments.
- Define sterilization and disinfection. Describe the various methods to achieve sterilization of endodontics armamentarium.
5 markers
- Glass bead steriliser
- Sterilization of endodontic instruments
7 markers
- Give the indications for endodontic surgeries. Enumerate on flap designs for apical surgeries with a brief note on retrograde preparation and retrograde filling materials.
- Classify endodontic surgeries. Armamentarium for surgical endodontics. Add a note on Hemisection.
5 markers
- Indications & contraindications of endodontic surgeries
- Endodontic microsurgery
- Root end filling materials
- Flap designs for periapical surgery
7 markers
- Discuss pulpal disease and its sequelae.
- Classify the disease of pulp. Explain in detail “Chronic Hyperplastic Pulpitis”.
- Classify pulpal disease and write about reversible & irreversible pulpitis.
5 markers
- Differential diagnosis of acute irreversible pulpitis
- Pink tooth
- Causes of pulpal disease
7 markers
- Enumerate endodontic emergencies and write in detail about the management of acute alveolar abscess.
- Classify diseases of periradicular tissues. Explain in detail “Acute periradicular diseases”
- Describe the response of pulp and periradicular tissues to bacteria as explained by Zones of Fish.
5 markers
- Chronic alveolar abscess
- Apical periodontitis
- Fish zones of infection
7 markers
- Which magnification tools are used in endodontics? Write about its importance.
- Enumerate different vitality tests to determine the vitality status of the tooth. Write in detail about cold tests.
5 markers
- Laser Doppler Flowcytometry
- X-ray as a diagnostic.
- Laser Doppler Flowcytometry
- Pulp response to the spread of caries in dentin
- Radiographic techniques used in endodontics
- Thermal tests
- Pulp vitality test
- Explain how a vital tooth is different from a root canal treated tooth structurally?
- Explain recent trends in vitality testing
- Electric pulp test
7 markers
- Classify traumatic injuries to teeth and explain avulsion.
- Classify traumatized teeth. Write about the management of avulsion.
5 markers
- Vertical root fracture
- Write Ellis and Davey classification (1960). Write the management of class III fractures (Ellis and Davey)
- Replantation
- Discuss about various storage media for avulsed teeth
7 markers
- Origin & course of inferior alveolar nerve
- Storage media for avulsed tooth.
- What are the causes of tooth discoloration? Discuss in detail about the technique for the Bleaching of pulpless teeth.
- Discuss the numerous endo-perio lesions and their treatment options.
- Describe rotary endodontic instruments.
5 markers
- Post and core
- How to manage hypersensitive dentine?
- Significance of biologic width
- Microbial flora of root canal
- Biodentine
- Inferior alveolar nerve block
- Theories of dentinal hypersensitivity
- List commonly employed local anesthetic agents. Elaborate on intrapulpal anesthesia technique.
- Importance of post endodontic restorations
- Endo-perio lesions
- Apexogenesis
- Rationale of endodontic theory