Interview with Dr.Sravani Vattigunta | AIR NEET MDS 343 , INI CET 547

I would like to introduce our today’s guest to all of you, Her name is Dr. Sravani Vattigunta, She had done her BDS from the army College of dental science, Secunderabad, Telangana. She was part of our MDS Test series and she was one of the most consistent students with her preparation, her studies, and even with her results.
Very Congratulation to you Dr.Sravani Vattigunta, Thank you so much for This interview. It will guide all the future MDS Aspirant.
Let’s Start with Our Interview :
How was your BDS and which book you have read during BDS?
I am above average student during my BDS and to be frank, I didn’t study from standard books in my BDS.
just studied normal Indian author books like Balaji, Neelima Anil Malik, nallaswamy, Shanti Priya for Perio, and many such Indian author books.
I’ve heard that toppers study standard English author books and teachers even forced us to study those bulky books.
But I conclude it’s not what books we study but how much rightly understand the topic is important, so study those books that you feel comfortable with and try to understand.
When have you started your preparation for NEET MDS?
I started my preparation right after my final year in September 2019 during my internship, initially. I did not join any coaching, I just read Pulse like synopsis and did MCQ.
If I have doubt in any MCQ of the topic, I just Google it or seen videos on YouTube. even if I am unable to get my friends to help me.
“struggle is a part of successful journey”
initially, my preparation was good going but slowly I am facing bad days, feeling low, there are many such days, in those days I talk to friends, juniors, eat food and watch movies and sleep, then next day I start fresh again my prep.
How you Managed your Internship and studies all togather?
During internship, even in government college, where patient flow is there.
You can extract time, we don’t have much but mostly I try managing my clinical work in college only and not taking to home.
At home only prepared for Neet MDS, also in college Max. 1 to 2 hours I manage to study. in the evening, 4 to 5 hours daily I kept it for books. I’ve done this till November.
yes, some days I studied less like 1 hour but those days are bad, hardly 30-50 days of my preparation are bad days for me.
Does pandemic/Lockdown affected your Preparations?
lockdown is neither advantage nor a disadvantage to me because I am not associated with particular coaching and just did some test series like MDS prep, CEDEES, and UNIDONTIA.
What was your study pattern? which books you have read?
I give much importance to test even from starting of my prep and giving tests became my routine thing.
just followed 2 books, pulse and Neeraj Wadhwan only, No other books at times. if I feel difficulties with a topic, I used to flip my textbook but I did not aggressively read textbooks.
Revising Pulse for 3 to 4 times makes you feel confident along with Test series and for image-based questions target MDS book and no special preparation for clinical questions.
if we understand the topic, we can solve any question that itself comes in pulse and in test practice.
How have you used our MDS Test series? Does it Helped you?
Unidontia test series have many repeated topics and importance once, which made my revision fast. even I was gaining confidence, especially with your Unidontia test series, they ask exactly a similar pattern of questions as in the final exam. your test series is of the same range as the final Neet MDS Exam.
Which things you liked or disliked about our MDS Test series?
there is nothing like I didn’t like in your test series, it provided much of exam content then you Charged, it’s very appreciatable and I really wish UNIDONTIA will be doing great in the future. The software should be improved
What was your experience with INI-CET Exam and NEET MDS 2021?
during the inicet exam, I have completed the paper very fast and I had 40 minutes left, exam was out of previous years’ PGI, AIIMS papers, and most of the difficult questions were direct repeat. unfortunately, I haven’t gone through previous AIIMS and PGI papers so I didn’t do well but the exam was Simple.
Neet MDS was a very good conceptual paper but I was unable to manage time and was rushing during the last one hour, I had 90 questions remaining. Still, I managed attempted 226 questions.
NEET is easier than an inicet because neet is of more basic and simple concept but an INICET has very new type of question, which are repeat. if I’ve read those repeated questions, it would be easier.
What was your Stratergy During Exam? How you decided which questions to attempt or not !
first I read the question and during that reading only near answer will strike and then, to confirm I looked at options. In some questions, if I can eliminate 2 options then I would attempt that question by guessing in the other 2 options.
So in INICET, I attempted 192 out of 200, and in NEET MDS 226 out of 240.
How was your after exam feelings? what are your reaction after getting such high ranks?
after the exam I started collecting answers, then I realized that I made a lot of Silly mistakes like for pendulum appliance, I mark T-rex like that many mistakes.
Then I calculated my score and compared it with the previous years to analyze the rank, then I thought I would get somewhere in 1300 to 1500 like that but the result was quite surprising 343 ALL INDIA RANK.
that day, I was so happy, like after seeing I just went to god’s room and told THANK YOU.
Anytyhing that you like to share as motivation to current or future MDS Aspirants?
during my preparation I got much support from my friends and grandmother, otherwise most of the time my family members criticize me for not getting MBBS. lots of criticism I got.
I feel dentistry is not only about studies and subjects but it teaches what is life, how people change based on our success and destiny. dentistry teaches how to face failures and make yourself stronger.
I’m very fortunate to be a dentist that made me stronger than before.
I emphasize daily exams and consistency in preparation is the key. most of us think the last two months enough to give an exam but it’s not true it will be more useful if you start giving exam from the starting only that will be added to your preparation.
at least joining 2 different Test series and learn from the mistakes
Thank You UNIDONTIA : )
Read Interviews of People who Cracked NEET MDS Exam :
Dr. Ankita Sahal | All india Rank NEET MDS – 49, INI CET – 55
Dr. Sravani Vattigunta | All inida Rank NEET MDS – 343, INI CET – 547