How to CRACK NEET MDS! Interview with Dr.Ankita Sahal

Very Very Congratulations Dr. Ankita Sahal for Getting All India Rank 49 in NEET MDS and 55 in INI CET exams on your First Attempt. Though NEET MDS and INI CET exams are the lengthiest and Toughest this year still, She Managed to get her Rankings This High. Whole UNIDONTIA is Proud of You Dr.Ankita. Congratulations on your humongous success.
This Interview was Based on Queries that Mostly all the NEET MDS Aspirants have during their NEET Preparation and Guidance for all the Current and future NEET MDS Aspirants. She discussed with us about her journey from BDS in Private Collage to Being in the Top 50 of NEET MDS in All India.
These are the Questions asked to her in the interview and her Response to each Question :
What are your Reaction when the Results came out and you got 55th Rank in AIIMS (Currently INI CET) Exam and when the Results for NEET MDS 2021 came and your All India Rank was 49?
The result was a very very big surprise and I was hoping to get a good rank but I was quite astonished. to be honest, I hadn’t expected such ranks. It was really really very happy when I saw the results.
How was your overall Experience with NEET MDS and INI CET Exams?
when I saw the first question in the exam there was an adrenaline rush and a thought in mind that “bss karke niklana hee, Joo Bhi ho Jaye I have to do it, I have to crack it, I have read for the past 1 year and I have to put all which I have got in this exam”. I was told by so many rankers that there are at least 10% questions in every exam which are to be respected and left, like you should not go doing any kind of random guesswork in such a high-level exam. So that was my mantra that I am not going to do any guesswork which is random. it will be okay if I’m leaving 10% of MCQs in both the exams and that was my attempt rate.
What is your Strategy on Attempting NEET MDS Exam? Was it same Same for NEET MDS and INI CET ?
My strategy in both exams was that whichever question comes in I’ll attempt in that moment bcoz I don’t wanna keep a backlog. as it is we struggle with timings in the exams and if the question comes and it’s lengthy, then it will take more time in the end. bcoz I’m answering all the questions and if I placed such lengthy questions for last then I’ll be wasting time here and I won’t have time afterward. So I was rather doing all the questions at once. If I saw a question for the first time and I don’t have any idea of it then absolutely not attempting that question, not even marking for review. Random guesswork is a strict NO-NO. it’ll directly go to negative and the chances of that getting right is less than 25%. And I don’t want to take that risk.
How was your after exam experience ? did you know that you have cracked NEET MDS and INI-CET after exam?
Experience in my opinion that INI-CET was a bit easier compared to NEET MDS because INI-CET had more conceptual questions and neet had more fact-based questions and I find concept based questions more easier. Yes, I had in mind that I’ll crack it but I would be getting such a rank! No that was not what I thought. I did not expect these ranks but I am very happy.
How many Questions You have attempted in Both Exams?
I left 15 questions in INI-CET and in NEET MDS I left 20 questions. I was not keeping in my mind that I have ticked a lot nor I have to under attempt. because a general mistake people make by thinking of a negative system and they go for under attempt.
How you prepared for NEET MDS and What is Your Study Pattern ? How many Hours to study everyday for NEET?
This exam is not something based on that we can read in one year, these exam has far more deeper factual questions in both exams, all the four years of hard work and learning also counts in this exam. But if I say for the last one year which I studied, I kept this thing in mind that I’ll study for 8 hours in the beginning because I didn’t want to excessively load my mind. The mind gets tired, if you keep on loading it too much from the beginning and it will stop taking information, so I kept 8hours a day in the begging and later on as the exam gets nearer I’ll gradually increase it to 10-12 hours for past 2-3 month. my strategy was that I’m going to revise very often, because revision is the key, as many time as you revises, that will going to give you an ACE. because if one question is seen once is as good as not seen ever.
I did one subject whole and then when I started the second subject, I give 2 hours to the previous subject every day so that’s how I’ll be revising again and so after my second revision I’ll be completing each subject 3 times. So I won’t forget everything that I read before.
How You Handled Difficult Subjects Such as Pharmacology (Generally Difficult for most of students) ?
Medical subjects such as pharmacology and medicine are most difficult because they are very very vast and we can not think of completing them in one year, because we also have to read 20 more subjects. So I went reverse for such difficult subjects, I first saw past papers, which topics are asked most frequently asked and which topics have more weightage, according to that I noted those topics and then I went back to study those topics. It’s not like first notes and then MCQs which we do in all other subjects, I went in reverse for this. So I have a lesser number of topics to read from the theory.
What would you prefer more, Solving MCQs or Clearing Concepts?
This is a very subjective thing, it’ll be different for every person but my thinking from the beginning that I make notes and do my theory best. Bcoz my theory always helped me but yes MCQs should not be side lined bcoz they are going to give you confidence. The more MCQ that we solve the more confidence we get because theory doesn’t give us that confidence in mind for attempting in exams like NEET MDS or INI-CET. Theory will give us confidence for university exams. Also, the theory can’t be undermined as all the MCQs will come from the theory.
While preparing, if you come across a difficult question which you don’t know, then what did you do?
This depends on the topic, if I think that this is a very easy question and still I won’t remember the topic and it’s given very nicely in the textbook or notes that I have made then I’ll revisit that and if it is very new question then I’ll go for the explanation given in that book itself, if not then and then I’ll search it in google. I believe in Books and prefer that
When have you completed your whole syllabus for the first time?
Around September, I have done it very thoroughly and I don’t want to rush in because that’s what builds the fundament. I was feeling in the beginning that I’m not remembering anything of the previous year which is a general feeling for everyone, So I gave so much more time but I’m happy with that. I’ve complete it till Sept and afterward went with my revision.
How to prepare for Image based questions from NEET MDS?
I went back to the textbook that we read for subjects, especially oral surgery, orthodontics, periodontics, and Shaffer’s and Orban’s for oral pathology and histology. I saw all the images of topics more in trends to be asked as image based questions plus legend given below.
Which books to read for NEET MDS and INI CET?
You have to read Dental Pulse, AIPGDEE by Neeraj Wadhwan and Aiims 25. I’ve also read Amit Ashish for Anatomy and Garg and Gupta for pharmacology and pathology.
Do you Prefer Taking Our Online Test series?
Yes, the Online test series is a must-have if you’re going for any kind of competitive exam. because of how much soever amount of things that you read but the online test series will tell you how much you’ve prepared in actual and how much you’ve remembering and retaining. Online test series is really very helpful that will give you an idea of where your weaknesses are and what parts you need to revise again. Which subjects need more time for revision and effort.